Saturday, December 3, 2011

Generation M Squared


       The film about Generation M Squared pretty much proved to me what I already knew: that teens like technology and are always using it. I thought that it was interesting how these teens socialize via their phones and computers, which can sometimes feel as if they are not present but are somewhere else. One of the teens said that once she got a new cell phone her grades got worse, and another admitted that he stayed in his room and played video games a lot. I can understand that technology is fun, but I think that it is important not to overuse it. While watching the film I was surprised that they could actually text, be on the computer, and play video games all at the same time. I also use technology a lot, but probably not as much as the kids shown on the video because I do not text, or use Facebook all that much. The computer is great, though, and it is amazing that I can listen to music, play games, and look up information whenever I want with a click of a button. Like the teens shown in the video I also like to watch TV, and DVR is awesome because it allows me to skip any commercials. I am neither a technology junky nor a Luddite, although there is a lot more pressure to be the former because it is more popular these days.


  1. Alina, great post. After I watched the video I felt the same way. It's surprising that they are able to do all that at one time. I think technology has definitely begun taking over new generations.

  2. I agree with what you said at the end about the pressure of giving in to using technology all the time. Technology is used in pretty much everything these days, for example it would be really difficult to pass certain classes without a computer, but that is just the way it is. But it also doesn't mean it has to take over someones life.
